DraCo Revisited Last updated on 09-MAY-2018

This is an unofficial project to recreate a standard system enviroment for a MacroSystem DraCo with more updated components and avoiding bloatware (current version is 40.00 and comes with a cd and bootable floppy). It is based on AmigaOS 3.1.

Application updates:
-CyberPrefsX 3.4 -> 3.6
-MovieShop 3.4 -> 4.8
-XiPaint 3.0 -> 4.0 + module hhsxipaintmod.xio 4.1 -> 6.1
-Samplitude Opus 2.10 -> 3.5R9-5. Added SEKD, VIP and RAP assigns.

File updates:
-Libs:gtlayout.libray 26.12 -> 47.2
-Libs:toccata.library 8.6 -> 14.1
-Libs:vlab.library 9.0 -> 10.0
-Libs:reqtools.library 38.1266 -> 39.3rev2
-TocattaTools/Resel 1.0 -> 1.1
-MovieShop/VMTools/VMinit 0.3 -> 0.6
-DraCoTools/DraCoSetPatch 1.1 -> 1.2

New files:
-Added Devs:DraCoBootFile (DraCoBootRom 1.5 28.2.97)
-Added envarc:toccata/hardware
-Implemented CD-Version.txt in rootdir to state DraCoCD version number and release date.

Deleted files:
-envarc:sys/locale.prefs to have english as default language
-envarc:sys/input.prefs to have USA as default keyboard
-adpro_040 drawer
-envarc:hdi drawer
-catalogs drawer
-sys:prefs/CyberPrefs. Not required as it duplicates CyberPrefsX functinality.

Miscelaneous tweaks:
-Renamed adpro_060 drawer to adpro. Adjusted s:draco-startup assign to reflect this change.
-Moved c:installer where it should be, inside the System drawer.
-Updated envarc:draco/dracoz2control.prefs with more entries. Replaced manufacturer number with names and sorted them numerically. Removed unnecesary dracoz2control.prefs.bak.
-Changed envarc:language from deutsch to english.
-Fixed tooltypes of MovieShop/VMTools/ReSelection to dracoscsi.device, unit 0.
-Fixed tooltypes of MovieShop/VMTools/ReSel_OFF to dracoscsi.device, unit 0.
-Fixed tooltypes of MovieShop/VMTools/ReSel_ON to dracoscsi.device, unit 0.
-AdPro has already set as saver module CyberGraphX.
-DraCo-Install floppy has a quickstart text file which is very helpful for new users.